Should I say no to "adjustments" in yoga class?
“Adjustments” is a very tiny word with a vast array of different meanings. If you are new to your mat, this word can be a bit confusing if you aren’t sure how it applies to your yoga class. Our staff at Grow Mobile Yoga will start their class by asking if anyone would not like to receive adjustments. If you are injured, this may be a good reason to raise your hand (hopefully you’ve already told your teacher before class that you have an injury!), but if you are not injured, we usually recommend against raising your hand. Part of our job as your yoga teacher is to keep you safe as we guide you through poses and sequences of the yoga class. As we are watching our students, we are not only checking to see that we have been cueing thoroughly, we are checking to make sure that our students aren’t going to injure themselves. Alignment is an important part of most yoga classes, and although every body is different, there are certain poses that the alignment is important to help protect joints and keep the body safe.
Our teachers will not be forcing students into poses that their body does not want to go into, but as your teacher gets to know you more and there is a connection built you may notice that they start to cue you more. Additionally, if your teacher ever asks you to adjust something and it causes you pain, please let them know! You know your body better than anyone else, and the goal is not to hurt anyone. Don’t be embarrassed if the teacher is adjusting you, it’s actually a compliment! It means they believe that you are open to receiving feedback and are wanting to help you improve your practice. One small adjustment, can make a world of difference in a pose. Overall, adjustments can be an awesome enhancement to your yoga practice, feel free to ask our teachers about any adjustments they recommend.